Based in the beyond, Deep Leaks is a blog by B. Chuck McButts. His posts explore tomorrow's news as leaked to him from The future.

Massive tax cut for the poor

An executive order eliminated excise and sales taxes on tobacco, alcohol, and firearms. The tax savings, estimated to be $40 to $120 billion per year, will directly benefit poorest in this country.

In some states, a family of four, each smoking two packs per day, could save $14,500 per year.

There are nearly 40 million smokers in the country. 90% do not have a college education and 70% have no technical training. 30% have an income well below the poverty line.

The US is third in the world for tobacco consumption. This executive order will help restore America to first again.

A Ménage à trois or a love triangle?

ISAR hacks autopilots on private jets